Website Development Program
Indigenous Tourism Alberta is offering a website development and enhancement program to tourism operators in Alberta with visitor, market, and export-ready businesses.
The program is designed for Indigenous tourism operators in Alberta to create a new or enhance an already existing tourism-based website for their business. Each operator will be paired up with a Website Development Coordinator who will help secure a web developer and build or enhance an existing website, to best suit the needs of the operator’s business.
This program has been developed out of the need to have good functioning, tourism-based websites in order to be market or export-ready. Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada and Destination Canada require Market ready businesses to have functioning tourism-based websites. This program will support the development or enhancement of ITA member’s websites to adhere to the National guidelines.
To access this program, you must be an ITA member with a visitor, market, or export-ready status and be available to work with the support of a Website Development Coordinator for four months who will help liaise between you and the website developer to meet your business’ websites needs.
What is the process?
Interested applicants apply through ITA to determine eligibility for the program. Applications will be graded based on a matrix that aligns with ITA’s 4-year strategy and business success indicators. If approved, our Website Development Coordinators will work with the tourism operator to outline their needs and objectives and recruit a suitable web developer. Each operator will work with their Coordinator and Developer over 4 months to achieve the agreed-upon objectives and create a tourism-based website.
In keeping up with oral traditions, you may upload a video or voice-recorded submission. Please answer the questions below in your video submission and send it to mackenzie@indigenoustourismalberta.ca
Applications close July 30 at midnight.
This program is supported by Western Economic Development.